Magic Libidos require magic solutions...stop thinking like that

A wise man once said that inside every person is a pair of wolves, one good and one evil. These two wolves are in constant battle, and it's up to the person who host then to determine the winner.

Granted, said wise man never thought that the person feeding the wolves decided to drug them both with aphrodisiacs meant for elephants and enough adrenaline to OD said elephants...


"Xiao Liu? You okay?," Jin Fang asked again {with her plush kissable lips}.

It took a surprising amount of willpower on Zhen Liu's part to not rush in and kiss her {and teach her the meaning of the words: "hickey", "french kiss" and "foreplay"}.

"Uh...yes. Just lost my train of thought," Zhen Liu replied after a moment. {At the sight of your cleavage and slightly exposed panties.}