Matchmakers can suck my-!

After deciding to head back to the Library of Nowhere, Zhen Liu then decided to postpone it till the next day. 

His family had just returned from a long trip to another city, and recuperation between trips is important, especially when his ride was a giant hippopotamus mama that could spit lighting. However, everything was thrown out the window when he went to go talk to his mother about going on his short training trip.

"I'm sorry Xiao Liu, but father-in-law requests(demands) that all of the core family members stay in Stone Claw for the next five days," his mother informed him out of the blue.

'This is becoming a trend, this is becoming a god(s)damn trend,{sodomy would be preferred}' Zhen Liu cursed as he was denied yet another plan of action. At this point, he couldn't help but think he was cursed, since this was the third time he got shanghaied into doing something he didn't want to do.