My Body/Heart is Tired/Broken

Neither Zhen Hai or Zhen Liu answered Zhen Yue for a solid six minutes after their initial grunts of pain. They just laid there like dead fishes at a market.

Zhen Yue was tempted to just leave the sorry sad sacks to their respective griping and just go continue training, but she felt compelled to see what had been bothering her normally more energetic cousins. Additionally, she found their current sorry state of being rather hilarious.

" two gonna tell me how long you've been like this, or-"

"Master Zhen Hai has been like that for the past three hours, while Master Zhen Liu has been there for the past two hours and twenty-two minutes."


The provider of this information was none other than Corriandis, a recent hire of Elder Zhen Yan, who had impeccable sense of time, and was currently carrying a tray full of food. Judging from the dishes, he was being called upon by the Patriarch.

"That true?"