One man army

Quite literally the next day...

"Phew. Alright, that's enough of the basics, time to go to stress test my other new skills{and possibly rub one out in public,} " Zhen Liu said to himself as he exited the clan's training arena.

A bit after learning about Zhen Hai's plight with Bellona Ecaredies, Jin Fang had finally returned with some medicine that would help Zhen Liu recover a bit faster. She was also covered in some light scratches, but given the Zhen Clan's line of work, it could have very well been a rogue pet.

The medicine did it's job and Zhen Liu was back on his feet in a matter of minutes, granted, he was going to postpone any additional training and/or testing till the next day, i.e., today.

As Zhen Liu was making his to his preferred wasteland training ground,while cutting through a courtyard, he spotted out of the corner of eye his cousin, Zhen Guo, preparing for his outing with Bellona.