Godoku Roach Tyrant

Any aether beast has the potential to reach the status of Progenitor and be able to create a whole new race of Bloodliners at any point in time. That being said, the bloodliners could be divided into subcategories reflecting the types of animals, namely mammalian, reptilian, avian, oceanic and finally insectoid. Out of all of the types of bloodliners though, the insectoid types we're considered...the weirdest.

Not asthetically mind you, some people were into that...a lot of people were into that look, but rather it was in the terms of ancestral abilities.

Some were strange yet elegant, like the Illusions Monarch's children being able to exhale a breath of dream dust that could cause people to hallucinate, or they were straight up body horror moments like the Skeletal Centipede King's children being able to grow an excessive amount of bone-like structures from their bodies.