Unexpected Heart to Heart while face down in the ground

"You know, I figured you'd be a lot more panicked about our situation," Zhen Liu commented, "or at least start screaming when I grabbed you." {Could have grabbed your phat ass while I was at it.}

/Surprisingly tough for a prince's kid./

"We just watched a man get drained like a juice pouch, so there's not much that I can freak me out at this point," Bellona retorted.

"Fair enough."/Wait...why does she know the term, juice pouch?/

Evidently, Bellona did not realize that she had just slipped up.


Zhen Liu, while carrying Bellona, flew out of the caverns and back into the main city area. His thinking was that Leech, or whatever his weird weekend cartoon villain ass name was, wouldn't attempt to murder/consume the aether of two young people in broad daylight and surrounded by people. Actions have consequences after all.