Unexpected re-HOW ARE YOU HUMAN?!

The ball of energy that Zhen Liu fired off this time had a very different flavor and feel to it this time around, namely because it was encased in several circular blades of energy that spun like saws from the depths of hell.

Once the energy ball made contact, it suddenly turned into an energy silhouette version of Razor Maiden, and proceeded to attack the dummy with the force of a thirteen slash combination strike that knocked it up into the air multiple times before a final slash sent it into the ground.

Both Zhen Liu and the Razor Maiden stared with their jaws dropped at the results. Neither had expected whatever the hell just happened, especially with a move called [Imperial Crusher].

Anton on the other hand looked enthused.

"Haha! Excellent! [Chaos] can't be ordered or controlled, but it can be guided and influenced!"
