Dress-Up Daemon

As Jin Fang reached to turn the handle to the mysterious door, she found to her surprise that it wasn't locked...namely due to it flinging itself wide open the moment she touched it, catching her by surprise.

"Mother fu-!...huh."

At this exact moment, Jin Fang felt she had a deeper understanding of Zhen Liu.

'Did...did Zhen Liu develop a habit of cursing and muttering in annoyance due to visiting this place so often?,' she thought to herself as she entered the mysterious room.

Prior to his "death", Zhen Liu had always been the quiet, sweet, polite and mildly sad type of person. He had never been one to cuss and he had never been the most active sort, but that made sense to her due to his circumstances at the time.

'Although, he does seem different now...'