One week

Exterior: Stone Claw City

A funerary procession is marching through the city streets, composed of members of a clan from a foreign land. Tears were streaming down their faces as they carried with them a coffin, containing the body of their beloved matriarch.

There was no pain.

No blood.

No suffocation.

No poisons either.

It was if her heart had just stopped for no reason whatsoever.

As the clan performed their solemn funeral march, on-lookers and passerbys couldn't help but watch.

This was the first time they ever seen a funeral done in such a manner. It seemed excessive, but at the same time, they couldn't help but sympathize. Apparently the procession was a means for the deceased to symbolically walk through their home before their final rest.

The people did find it odd that this branch clan was the second prominent family in a row to host a funeral though.