One night

As the moon rose into the night sky, illuminating the city streets below, the Wolfe Family estate was illuminated by a very different light.

Sounds of revelry could be heard as torch fires and large braziers burned bright, providing warmth and light to the party goers, and giving them a full frontal view of one of the party's centerpieces: a goddamned sixth tiered dragon corpse.

"By the gods, that is a Diabolic Dragon corpse! Wait...why are they just displaying it out here for the rest of us to stare at it? Shouldn't they be processing it or something?"

"Dude, it's called a show of force. Nothing says bragging rights like showing off a dragon's corpse."

"Oh right."

"Do you think that Harold actually managed to break through to the Aether Lord state? Think he'll try to make a power play?"

"Don't know, but my family's been on good terms with the other factions anyways. Even if shit goes sideways, I think we'll be fine."
