Telana Corrada: A tragedy of her own making

Telana Corrada was a woman who hated "chances" and "uncertainty".

An unusual trait to in her line of work, that of an apothecary where's one concoctions always had a chance of not going right, but it was this trait that allowed her to be so successful.

Since the first day she could pick up a mortar and pestle in the soon-to-be Corrada household, Telana showed great aptitude in both the arts of identification and medicine making.

She made sure to track every possible variance in preparation and ground it down to a a fine edge so that none of it can go awry, ensuring that whatever medicine she made would have the highest possible chance of working.

Combined with her natural compatibility with the formula [Nine Poisons Fairy Guidance], Telana was poised to take over the family business and propel it to new heights once her mother, the owner of the business, handed her the rights. Everything would become "perfect".