No pushover

'Besides, I have no desire to participate in a fight where there is such an impulsive X-factor,' Telana justified to herself as her mind wandered to the thought of a particular puppet boy.

Funny thing about this justification though, despite how rock solid it was and how much it made sense to her logically, there was still a twinge of...regret.


[Minn Jarl said to intervene if the Corrada matriarch decided to join in the fight too to even the odds. But now she's just when should I intervene? Should I just follow her?]


Harold looked aghast that his co-conspirator had just straight up ditched the battlefield, so much so that he was essentially stunned silent. Granted, so was Zhen Shi, Jacob and Orgo, but not to the same extent as Harold was, which was why Zhen Shi was able to keep focus and the tension high.