Regret has a tendency to...haunt a person

Kaijin Ability: [Spirit Amplification]

By combining the natural [Chaos] in their cores with the aether they have gathered from their cultivation, the kaijin is able to produce a special energy that can inflame the same desires as what composes their core in a subject.

Unlike drug induced emotional states which can be countered with an antidote, or hypnosis who can be broken by sufficient will, the energy produced by a kaijin works on a spiritual level.

Unfortunately, the kaijin's influence can only work on what is present inside a person, or to put it in more understandable terms, it can only work off a person's most recent memories and emotions, or off of truly memorable events.

But if this desire can be latched onto and amplified by kaijin influence...the effect can be mathematically calculated by exponentials, not multiplication.