Magic Keys and Awkward Engagements

Around the same time as Telana Corrada was dealing with the fact her life was turning into a horror movie, the instigator of her soon-to-be tragic turn of events was busy dealing with everyone's worst nightmare: logistics.


=Alright milord, what you're going to do now is take the Twilight Iron and melt it into the mixture, one drop at a time.=

"Got it. Nepherage?"

"On it."

The volcanic valkyrie kaijin proceeded to take the chunk of iron that had a natural sunset color to it and hold it between her two hands. Once it was firmly grasped, she channeled fire aether into her hands and began to superheat the metal. The Twilight Iron began to dribble ever slowly into a big ass cauldron that was filled with a strange bubbling blue liquid.