You sure you wanna put a ring on that?

'If this becomes more of a trend in the future, I'm learning how to read tarot cards or bugging Pathos on making me a handheld.'

=No anachronisms outside of the Library!=

Zhen Hai and Zhen Liu were currently sitting inside of a parlor room on the Corrada Family estate, with the former looking rather tense and nervous, with the latter looking tad bored.

' least the decor doesn't look like it came from a horror show...minus the plants.'

Unlike the Marquis de Howlite's palor room, which was a bit larger, had decorations and art pieces straight out of a gothic era horror novel and had a generally icky vibe, the Corrada's parlor was a tad cozier and had a more...victorian vibe. Except for the decorative plants that looked as if they would eat his fingers...strike that, definitely would eat his fingers.