The Picture of a (Di)stressed Mess

"Good afternoon, Matriarch Telana. Thank you for agreeing to this humble request for a meeting."

"Of course, it's only polite."

Telana present a gloved hand to Zhen Hai in order for him to kiss it, as was polite form of greeting from a young man to an older woman.


=Not quite. Peep the palms, Pathos.=

=Check the middle bump, the hand our lord is about to kiss.=

=The question isn't if he will notice, the question is if he will mention it to her, at all.=


Once Zhen Hai had finished giving his greetings, Zhen Liu moved in to give his.

"Wonderful to see you again, Lady Corrada," Zhen Liu said as he politely moved in to kiss her hand as well.