Maintaining appearances

"I'm sorry...what?," Zhen Yue asked incredulously. She knew that Zhen Liu was a bit anomaly as of late, but being able to bestow abilities and reverse aging? That was ridiculous!

"I know it sounds absolutely absurd," Zhen Hai agreed, "but remember when Zhen Liu mentioned he could use his 'puppets' to make use of aether arts?"


"You don't think it's at all possible that he could...I don't know...insert those puppets into other people? He does have a puppet that can use ice and one that uses lighting," Zhen Hai defended his point, "maybe he...somehow inserted them into me and grandfather?"

Zhen Yue was all set to just call her cousin ridiculous...but then she remembered a weird little detail about the night she fought alongside Zhen Liu's..."puppets".
