No thoughts,head empty HELP ME

[Oh, come off it amigos! We're made of desires, well our cores are anyways,] Hurricroak defended herself, [is it so wrong to see our lord indulge in some of the world's more delightfully carnal ones? I mean I re-ad that young love tends to be the most passionate and beautiful.]

[Hurricroak... you're suggesting that they make the beast with two backs in public under a burning hot sun,] Nepherage pointed out,[not only is that perverse, but it's also sounds widely uncomfortable.]

[Sand... everywhere...,] Frosttusk added, [sunburns...too...]

[The irony of you complaining about sunburns is immeasurably hilarious,] Hurricroak retorted.

=Wait, isn't your core, [Resolve]? How does that relate to you wanting to watch our lord do the sideways tango?=

[Pfft! Yeah, and I'm a rockstar! Whyphy, bitches!]

[Did...did you just make a 22 J*mp Street reference?,] Nepherage asked.