Pain is temporary, Trauma is forever

"Bleh. Remind me to never use an accent again, what the fuck," Zhen Liu groaned as he took off the mask and cleared his throat. It felt right in the moment, but it did a number on his throat.

=Duely noted milord.=

With the connection to Zhen Li's mirror now disrupted, Zhen Liu could stop finally stop putting on airs and ditch the costume.

His performance wasn't long, but it felt like it took hours.

'And why did I feel like someone other than these two and Zhen Li were watching me the whole time?,' Zhen Liu thought to himself as he took off the robe and placed it back in the clothes hanger, 'oh hold up.'

"Hey, Logos?"

=Yes, milord?=

"I just remembered that we technically used two...," Zhen Liu paused as he stared at the two spies he was using like a broadcast camera, who were both attempting to free themselves from what he just now realized was essentially bondage gear, "volunteers. What are we gonna do with them?"