Gone like a nightmare

[Yeowch. That looked like it hurt. Frosttusk, you okay amigo?]

[Yes...just surprised...]

[Good to hear...also, when did you learn how to do that counter freezing trick?]

[Swapped in...this morning...]


[Oi! Blinky, Bulky and Burny! I suggest you stop torturing that poor squid kid and get ready to bail. The old codfish with the cutter just noticed all the noise you three just made, and the Lord wants us quiet!,] Razor Maiden interrupted.

[On it....wait, when did you develop the ability to use similes?]

[I think that's a metaphor.]


[Not the time!]


'Well, I suppose there's one thing I can thank that disgrace for,' Zhen Wang thought between bites of his noodles and pork, 'they at least brought over some decent cuisine ideas with them.'