Settling In with some Rock n Roll

[ come we didn't try to integrate ourselves into the Zhen Clan as mortals?,] Hurricroak asked, [like how Archanidame and Lacerage are doing now?]

[Well, for starters, we didn't have human forms to go off of and by the time we did, we had cemented the puppet identity.]

[Fair point.]

[Also, you just spent the last four hours having Pathos "livestream" K-dramas. You're willing to give up doing that to go work? I won't stop you.]

[Fair point, again.]

[Lazy...,] Frosttusk added.


Zhen Liu's mildly absurd gambit of integrating his two newest kaijin as members of the clan as opposed to being his "aether puppets" worked surprisingly well.

Granted, it took a few days to get to that point.