An Unexpected Performance

The sound of steel strings and drums ripped through the senses of Jin Fang and Rianna, disorienting them for a moment before reality corrected itself.

Granted, reality as they knew it had changed.

" head...," Rianna complained, "what was...whoa! What?!"

"Yeah, you'll get used to the outfit changes later," Jin Fang comforted her, "now come on. I learned last time not to stand next to the speakers."

"The what?"


[Huh? Hey, do you sense that?]


[Should we do something about that?]

[Probably not.]


In that familiar state of consciousness and sleep, Zhen Liu stared forward as he watched the namesake of Hurricroak's formula play a song that seemed to rouse one's heart and inspire both bravery and fear all at once.