The ballad of Alice Dunkelkrieg

Immediately after getting smacked in the head by a magic glowing purple ball of light, a weird new type of energy began to flow into Zhen Liu's head.

While it was hard to describe what this energy was exactly, Zhen Liu could immediately sense that it wasn't aether or [Chaos].


Zhen Liu was used to information being forcibly downloaded into his brain, came with the territory of almost omniscient twin spirits of knowledge attached to it.

Zhen Liu was used to seeing the world through the perspectives of his kaijin, they saw the world differently and he found it fascinating.

However, he had never lived through someone's life and "death" before, until right now.

'So your name is...was...Alice? Huh...'


Morality is never as simple as dark and light, it's usually mired in twilight.