Two against one is hardly fair

Zhen Liu continued to stare into empty air as the fate of a woman he had never met, played out in his mind like a storybook scene in a larger narrative.

It took a few moments for it to finish, punctuated by Jin Fang attempting to shake him awake.

"Xiao Liu? Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu!"

"Hey, wait, what? Oh, I'm back."

"What the fuck was all of that?," Jin Fang asked, exasperation mixed with worry clear in her tone of voice. 

With the amount of times Jin Fang had witnessed Zhen Liu suddenly pass out due to weird, magical shenanigans, one would think she'd be more used to it.

Honestly, she wasn't.

"I'm not entirely sure...," Zhen Liu answered, "but something tells me I'm going to have punch someone in the face. Really, really hard."

"Oh....well let's get to it then."

"Right on."