The Rose man in the Spider's Web

[Oh, how novel! No wonder you three enjoy being blasted into the face of other people. This makes for a rather interesting sensation,] Archanidame commented as her being began to suffuse itself with Zhen Jin's essence, [all of this's exhilarating.]

This was her first time performing [Possession] in someone that wasn't their lord, so it made for a novel experience for the control type kaijin.

Evidently, this prompted the other kaijin to discuss about this particular phenomenon.

[Oh yeah, it's a real fucking trip,] Hurricroak commented, [when I jumped into the shark boy's head, swear to the gods, started smelling ocean waves for like a week straight.

[Same...,] Frosttusk rumbled as he recalled piggybacking in Zhen Hai's mind awhile back. The mammoth kaijin then began to wonder if he should check on the man while they were on this voyage, making sure he took his lesson to heart.