Control oneself, control the universe

"Godsdammit! I thought they were just here!," Zhen Xing shouted aloud as he stopped himself mid-run.

After running into Zhen Liu, Zhen Xing continued his mad dash to where he his First, Third and Seventh uncle's should have been fishing.

Unfortunately, they weren't.

Zhen Xing was about half way to reaching the portion of the deck where the fishing occured, until he saw that nobody was there.

Despair and fury was all set to settle into The Xing's heart, but just as he was about to rage and cry about his horrible luck, a pair of voices called out from above and behind him.

"Xiao Xing you okay over there?"


When he turned to see who was calling out to him, he saw his cousins Zhen Hai and Zhen Yue sharing a smoke pipe. Unsure what to make of the pipe, he just ignored it as relief overcame him.

"Xiao Hai! Xiao Yue! Have you seen where the First, Third or Seventh uncle went?"