From the depths, arises hatred

[Maestro~! I'm bored, how much longer till we get to Roaring Tide? I feel like we've been on this ship for weeks now!,] Hurricroak whined as she gave Zhen Liu a pleading look.

This made for a rather amusing sight to see given the relative size difference between a fully grown human and a shrunken down, figure-like kaijin.

Zhen Liu rolled his eyes at the childish antics, it was endearing yet somewhat annoying.

Before Zhen Liu could give the frog-like kaijin a proper answer though, Nepherage had already beaten him to the punch.

[Calm down, Hurricroak, the schedule said that we'd be in port by the day after tomorrow, in the morning no less. If waiting that long is enough to drive you nuts, you could spend that time in the Library.]