Boarding Party

'Kaijin, status report. How many enemies are trying to board the ship?'

[One, two, three, uh...a lot, there's a whole fucking lot of them just crawling up the side of this ship,] Hurricroak reported, [and they're all radiating the same vibes as the zako, just... significantly more crude.]

'Figured that much when they first got into range, any ideas on where the source is?'

[Unsure...minn jarl...too...much...interference...too many...zakos,] Frosttusk explained forthright.

[We gotta chop these extras down to size before we can locate whomever created them,] Razorstella added.

'But the aforementioned extras are locked in combat with the rest of my family and the crew... can't risk exposing myself or the kaijin, but I'm not even sure if anybody below Aether Master can even leave a dent in these guys because of the minute amounts of [Chaos]...wait, somebody remind me. Does the clan know about everybody's mortal forms here, yes or no.'