One thing after the other.

[Wow, maestro. Your family is surprisingly handy in dealing with all of these pseudo-zakos,] Hurricroak praised.


[I mean yeah, we're calling them fake zakos anyways and "pseudo: means fake so...pseudo-zakos.]

'Huh...aight, I'll allow it.'

[Milord, it appears your father and Grandmaster ranked uncles are making their moves,] Nepherage interjected, [Should we get involved now?]

'Hold on for now, Nepherage. The bastard who sent these coral zombies haven't made their own move yet, so neither will we. That being said...'

Zhen Liu was silent as he gazed at the inky depths, the moonlight barely illuminating even the faintest of waves. Not even all of the lights radiating from the steamship was able to pierce through this darkness.

'I can't help but wonder...what kind of kaijin was this abomination?'

[Does it matter if we're going to have put them down?,] Razorstella asked.