Grand Fisher

'Oh that's not good.'

Zhen Liu and the kaijin were stunned silent as the abomination they were waiting for suddenly jumped out of the water and attacked the former's grandfather like a lightning bolt from the deep.

The group had wanted to intercept this encroaching abomination before it had a chance to engage with the rest of the clan, but that plan went out the window the moment this freaky fishman attacked at a speed quicker than what even Hurricroak could muster.

Zhen Liu didn't get a good look at the abomination due to how fast it had moved, but as far as he could tell, it looked like a marlin.

[Puta Madre! That's one fast fish!,] Hurricroak exclaimed, [I don't even think I can move that fast!]

[ catch...,] Frosttusk grumbled.

[I think it's just me, but this fish looks familiar,] Razorstella noted.

'It does?'