A fairytale fib

"Pinocchio? Can't say I have," Zhen Shi answered honestly.

"Understandable, it is a story from a very distant land...but one that pertains to the truth of why we look the way we do," Razorstella(Rachel) explained.



"How so?"


This line of questioning and answering was well within Razorstella's expectations, more specifically Zhen Liu's, so she could smoothly deliver the lie that was prepared beforehand.

Granted, the bladed ballerina kaijin still had some major doubts about this particular yarn she was going to spin.


[Pinocchio? The fairytale? Really? You don't think that's a little too on the nose?,] Razorstella asked in disbelief, [also, why am I the one talking to him this time? Ain't Hurricroak the one with the silver tongue?]

[She has a point, maestro,] Hurricroak added.