Treatment onto Dawn

[I can handle it, ringmaster,] Spring Brawler volunteered, [I always out seen walking about the ship anyways. Besides, I think this is good for my development...I think.]

'Oh...okay then. In that case, I will leave you to it, Spring Brawler. Make sure to stick to simple lies though.'

[I know.]

'Also, please note that if you try to ask me for help at this moment, I don't think I can muster much in terms of...brain...power...'

[I understand, ring master. Go and sleep and recover.]

'Yeah...good night...'

As soon as Spring Brawler, Hurricroak and Razorstella sensed their lord was asleep via their connection, they immediately started talking about him.

[Okay, I'm fairly certain you guys practice doing that Harmonize move a lot back in the quarry,] Spring Brawler noted, [so why does he seem so tired after using it properly once?]