Ripples upon Ripples


We interrupt your chapter arc for this important update.

The subsequent scenes of Zhen Li debating with himself over the morality of accepting power that came from questionable sources has been moved to a future chapter.

The reason being that the writer found the initial scenes a bit boring and wanted to see if he could improve them.

Instead, this upcoming chapter(s?) Is going to be a series of shorter ones with a shared thread.

See if you can find what that thread is.

That is all.


Do people actually care about these side characters?

|To be fair, one person's side character is another POV's main character. Like...the entirety of the Round Table or Robin Hood. Besides, there is a reason for me to be telling these short stories.|

Aside from you having writer's block?

|Shut the fuck up.|

Make me, anyways, couldn't you have used more modern examples? Like the J*stice L*ague or the *vengers?