Ripples upon Ripples continued

Normally it's very easy for an international organization to find someone, anyone really.

Grease the right palms, talk to the right people and have an accurate descriptor of the guy, and that guy is fucked.

Of course, if one also had access to an Anima Wielder, one could leverage their mental capabilities to just outright read someone's memories.

However, in the case of one mysterious young puppet manipulator and the two children he had "stolen" from the organization, they couldn't find jackshit.

"The Purple Shadows are doing the best they can, milady. They just need a little more time," an attendant of Madam Venus tried to say in comfort.

"A little more time?" Madam Venus asked in disbelief.

"A little more time? I've seen them locate a prince that had been missing for twenty years in a matter of three days. They managed to find the one bastard child of the celibate Queen of Amagi, despite her efforts to kill anyone who could've known.