One more ripple and the stone that caused it.


We interrupted your regularly scheduled chapter to inform the reader that we will be returning the focus to Zhen Liu and Zhen Li shortly, we just have one more side story to tell, this time focusing on two characters as opposed to one.

On that note thought...

Have you figured out the connection yet?



"Kit, once you're done refilling the nut barrels, would you mind sorting out the jelly candies?"

"Yes, mother."

"Kit, have you finished your language homework for the day?"

"Of course, mother."

"I love you, Kit."

"I love you too...mama."

It had only been a few days at most since Zhen Liu had created Kit, a taffy-based kaijin, to serve as the child for one Elsa Reinhart.

One would assume such a relationship would feel forced at best, or disturbing at worst, but this was far from the truth.