An Old Veteran and an "Old" Monster

On one side, a middle aged man dressed in armor similar to the local guardsmen, but made of a strange white metal, wielding a scholar's sword descended from on high to block the attacks of Zhen Hai and Zhen Yue.

On the other, an old man in a simple black robe, leaped down to block the palm strike of Zhen Ren Fa.

Both of these men radiated the power of a Grandmaster or higher, so they could easily block the attacks. How they went about doing so though was another matter entirely.


<<[Repulsing Slash!]>>

The man in white armor quickly channeled aether into his sword and slashed forward, releasing a blast of energy that didn't cut through Zhen Hai and Zhen Yue, but had repelled them instead like a powerful gust of wind.



Their attacks were broken in an instant as they were launched back several feet away from the man in white armor.