Pride and Peace


It has come to the writer's attention that last chapter, Zhen Liu exercised some abilities that could be misconstrued as an "asspull" on his end, so we will now be interrupting the chapter to explain what Zhen Liu did exactly, alongside more backstory stuff that occurred during the time-skip training sessions.

You don't have to read this part, but it helps explain some things.

The long and short of it is that Zhen Liu realized that rolling up to the ancestral homeland with what was essentially super strength and an incredibly durable body, despite being publicly known as an Aether Master, was probably a good way to get a target painted on his ass.

Zhen Liu deemed it necessary to practice some more "subtle" martial art moves that would allow him to put up a fight and leverage his freakish strength that was a bit more complicated than "run up and punch a guy in the face" or "smash their face in with a club".