Prep work makes the terror work

Moments after the apprehension of the spies...

[I'm sorry, young Master, but you want me to do what?]

[I know what I'm asking is weird, Archanidame.]

[Weird is an understatement,] Lacerage interjected, [I normally like seeing blood, guts and pain, but even I think this sounds unnecessarily cruel.]

'I...huh. I thought you'd be arguing that she wasn't able to turn herself into a swarm of spiders.'

[Oh no, she can. She uses her little swarm formlings to keep an eye on the estate in key areas and coordinate the zakos you left here. By the way, the amount of bandits that thought they could raid the estate while you and the main pillars are away have dropped dramatically.]

'Dare...dare I ask why?'

[Long story short, the children are enjoying using their new practice dummies to sharpen their knife throwing skills and archery lessons?]

'What the fuck?!'