Creepy Crawlies get under everyone's skin

"Are you sure this is going to work this time? These guys look significantly more...elite, than the previous groups. They've probably trained to deal with torture."

"Yeah, they're trained to deal with physical torture and maybe some psychological tortures based on leverage about their personal information. They're not at all trained for what I and the kaijin got planned."

"Right...follow up question, why aren't you in there this time? Don't you usually try to put on a costume make yourself look like a super expert?," Jin Fang asked Zhen Liu, point blank.


In a sharp contrast to the previous times, where Zhen Liu had put on an elaborate persona complete with costume, this time around he was hiding out in a complete separate room, with Jin Fang and Rianna by his side, while using the recently created speaker system Logos and Pathos established to project his voice into a room where the seven or so assassin/spies/rogues were locked in.