Enemies, both natural and made

Zhen Hai vs. Alvis de Howlite: Hoof Speech

[Megalodon Thrash!]

[Desert's Distortion: Sand Shark Thrash!]

"Quit copying me!"

"Haha! This is fun!"

On opposite sides of a square arena, two young warriors fired off very similar looking techniques at the same time, that collided into each other with incredible force.

On one side was Zhen Hai, a Stampeding Bison born Roaring Tider with an Aqaurii affinity formula known as [Abyssal King's Grace]. In this moment, he fired off a giant shark made of aether-condensed water. This move had become his go-to after it had been provided by Zhen Liu's mysterious master, since it was just so unusually compatible with Zhen Hai.