Surprising(?) Reve[rs]al

[So...have we at all determined how the fuck this guy is summoning all of these...I'm assuming dragon spirits but I don't think that's the case...,]Spring Brawler asked his fellow kaijin.

[Really? You're asking this now while in the middle of an attack? Focus man, focus!,] Nepherage chided.

[Oh come on, we have the ability to communicate with one another telepathically at the literal speed of thought, I think we can get a little wiggle room in regards to-]

[Incoming...counter!,] Frosttusk interjected.


[I want to say this counts as karma or jinxing yourself...but I don't think either is very accurate!]


Ren Jin Yan had the biggest smile one their face as they saw the encroaching combination attack.