Three Finishers and a Won Bet

Evidently, Patriarch Zhen Shi was so caught up in Jinju Yang's outburst that he failed to see that three of his four grandkids that were still fighting, had just won their respective matches.

Granted, it may have been a good thing, since all three of them had used moves that were oddly reminiscent of a certain collection of "puppets".

If he had seen these events unfold, he'd have a lot questions to ask...


Zhen Hai gets real loud...and louder still!

[Echoing Frost!]

Sufficiently pissed and fully charged, Zhen Hai punched forward and released a powerful shockwave that froze both the ground and air between himself and Alvis de Howlite.

Once this shockwave made contact, Alvis would be rendered a human popsicle if he was unlucky. If he was lucky, the force of the attack would just render him unable to battle due to injuries.

"A World Class art?!," Alvis exclaimed. "I can't wait to copy it!"