Imperial Princess Privilege

[Alright, who placed a bet on the dragon princess wanting to head back to Stampeding Bison with the maestro?]


[I think it was Spring Brawler who made that bet?]

[Booyah, suckas! Actually, apologies, trying something new here and that did not feel right.]

[Trying a more casual speech pattern?]

[Essentially. Trying to figure out my personality is weird.]

[Oi, guys! Quiet on the comms, I wanna hear this next bit.]


[Speaking of sound though, what happened to that evolving undead proto-kaijin?]

[She's back at the library. Logos and Pathos wanted to stabilize her body before the director added the finishing touches. That and they wanted to see what exactly Paralust's influence does to kaijin.]



"Hey, Xiao Liu~ I was just thinking of barging into your bedroom. It's the branch to the left, right?"