Awkwardly Perceptive

'This is the first time I've ever heard a mind that was so was almost like something out of a story book...'

Initially, Zhong Wei had little to no interest in taking up the assignment to protect Princess Jinju Ren while she galivanted and cavorted on another continent. Zhong Wei was one of the rare few cultivators in the world that was able to use both anima and aether at the same time, as such, he had developed a touch of apathy for the world at large. He had exactly zero desire to do much of anything except read whatever books he could get his hands on.

As such, despite being in the employ of the Pearl Scale Emperor and his kin, he was going to refuse the assignment of watching over yet another descendant of the horndog emperor. However, the interjection of the Inked Devil herself, Zhen Xun Tian, convinced him to at least give this particular assignment a try.