The Art of Zako Refinement begins with Introspection.

"So...when do we learn about that?"

=When you're much older.=

∆Wow, I know that it's a cliché to flirt in the library but you got to remember that there are children present.∆


∆∆Holy shit! What are you two?∆∆

∆=Well, you see...=∆

Shortly after being caught in the middle of some heavy flirting by Jasper and Janice, Logos and Pathos finally made an appearance.

Whether or not they timed their appearance in order to maximize Zhen Liu's embarrassment wasn't exactly relevant to this moment, but it was something that would linger in the back of his head.

'Ah least Jinju Ren is getting her crash course in kaijinology...kaijin 101? Either or works, I guess.'

Logos and Pathos proceeded to explain the library's function to the Imperial Princess, who for her part looked positively enraptured.