[Ghost Flame] Advanced Applications

'Then again, I did absorb those [Ghost Flames] in a very haphazard manner...the [Will of the Salamander] portion of my formula still looks to be intact though...granted, it now has a pervasive aura of undeath...'

The world of Valresta was home to many strange elemental energies that formed due to natural and unnatural circumstances. Depending on the cultivator, these energies could be captured and utilized in many different ways.

For example, alchemists would go out of their way to acquire the innate flames or spiritual waters that certain breeds of aether beasts produce, such as the [Crimson Scorpion Dragon's Flame] or the [Black Snow Ape Life Water], in order to enhance their medicine making abilities.

In some regions of the world, there existed a type of lightning known as [Heaven's Punishment], a very strange type of lightning that carried this aura of pure [Judgement].