Accidental Progeny

"Miss Reinhart. Is it okay if I-"

"Yes, Rodenia. Go ahead, I can finish up this batch of hard candy myself."


Like an overactive puppy, Rodenia quickly stepped away from her work station and made her way to the door leading back to the main shop and surface, forgetting about her work apron in the process.

In a noticeable contrast to Rodenia's energeticness, Leon and Isa looked a touch more hesitant. It was evident enough that Elsa felt compelled to see what the issue was.

"What's wrong with you two? You both are looking like Rodenia is about to go and walk the plank."

"Huh? Oh, it's... nothing Elsa. It's just...," Leon partially answered before trailing off, not entirely sure on what he should be saying. Thankfully, Isa picked it back up for him.

"It's just that... we've been travelling by Rodenia's side for a while now and it just seems"