Miraculous Bug Lady.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ocean on Stampeding Bison, during tea party between a certain rich girl and a certain royal sheep girl...

"Huh...I just had the strangest thought...what if Xiao Liu was a dog?"

"That...weirdly fits him."



"Shepard Hound."

"Mountain Mastiff."

"Both fit."

"Agreed, now have you had any luck in figuring out what these souvenirs we got from Logos and Pathos do?"

"Well...sort of. I actually forgot I was wearing it when I was cultivating one day, and..."


Now back to the candy store...

"Rodenia, could you let me down please?"

"Huh? Oh! Of course, coach. Wait, coach? When did I learn that? Why do I like that word in reference to you?"

"I...was going to say that I was surprised that you were able to handle that so well. But I realized that would've been a dumb thing to say to the kaijin lord."