Killing the Mood with a Razor Tongue(2) decided not to help the kaijin with their emotional shenanigans, because...=

∆Like any good parent/caretaker, it is necessary to allow their children to make their own mistakes and amendments.∆

=Uh huh...and not because you're bored as hell and wanted to see what would happen if you left Hurricroak and Razorstella unattended for five minutes?=


=Ay caramba...=


[Why do I feel like someone is badmouthing us right now?]

[It's probably Pathos, let's be honest.]


[But forget that noise for now. Snake boy at two o'clock.]

[I see him...why is he just standing there like an idiot?]

[Probably because he's nervous.]


"Is your cousin normally this skittish?"

"No, this"


'There she is...wait...what do I do now?!'