A Murder most (Un)necessary

Zhen Tai looked absolutely mortified as he realized in this exact moment, he probably had zero chance with this woman known as Rachel.

It was one thing to be barely remembered by someone, it was something else entirely when the person who rescued you thought of you as nothing more than a drowning codfish.

Zhen Tai didn't even know what a codfish was exactly, but he could tell it wasn't a good thing to be compared to...probably.

'Even if she doesn't really think of me as anything, I need to at least share my gratitude with her,' Zhen Tia eventually concluded. 'Maybe my sincerity would help to charm her?'

Thankfully it didn't take him that long to come to this conclusion, otherwise there would've been an awkwardly long pause he would've needed to explain, and his mouth wasn't doing him any favors right now.

Then again, it could just be the infinite apathy radiating off of Rachel's razor sharp features.